GUANGZHOU PHAR<00874> - Results Announcement
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Company Limited announced on 15/8/2003:
(stock code: 00874 )
Year end date: 31/12/2003
Currency: RMB
Auditors' Report: N/A
Review of Interim Report by: Audit Committee
(Unaudited )
(Unaudited ) Last
Current Corresponding
Period Period
from 1/1/2003 from 1/1/2002
to 30/6/2003 to 30/6/2002
Note ('000 ) ('000 )
Turnover : 3,577,432 3,000,883
Profit/(Loss) from Operations : 177,405 187,786
Finance cost : (15,607) (13,640)
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
Associates : 161 203
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
Jointly Controlled Entities : (225) (339)
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI : 91,102 100,756
% Change over Last Period : -9.58 %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars) : 0.112 0.124
-Diluted (in dollars) : N/A N/A
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss) : N/A N/A
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items : 91,102 100,756
Interim Dividend : NIL NIL
per Share
(Specify if with other : N/A N/A
B/C Dates for
Interim Dividend : N/A
Payable Date : N/A
B/C Dates for (-)
General Meeting : N/A
Other Distribution for : N/A
Current Period
B/C Dates for Other
Distribution : N/A
The Group has changed its accounting policy following its adoption of
SSAP 12 "Income Taxes" issued by the Hong Kong Society of Accountants
which is effective for accounting periods commencing on or after 1st
January 2003. The adoption of the new SSAP 12 represents a change in
accounting policy, which has been applied retrospectively so that the
comparatives presented have been restated to conform to the changed
The effects on the condensed consolidated profit and loss accounts for the
six months ended 30th June 2002 are as following:
1. taxation expenses decreased by Rmb 4,379,000;
2. minority interests increased by Rmb 350,000.
The overall effect on the net profit for the six months ended 30th June
2002 was an increase by Rmb 4,029,000 and accordingly the EPS was restated
to Rmb0.124.