GUANGZHOU PHAR<0874> - Results Announcement (Summary)

Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Company Limited announced on 17/8/2001:
(stock code: 874)

Please refer to the press announcement for the details of the audit 
committee's review report on the interim financial statement, to be issued 
by the Company on 20/8/2001.

Year end date: 31/12/2001
Currency: RMB                                               (Unaudited)
                                           (Unaudited)      Last
                                           Current          Corresponding
                                           Period           Period
                                           from 1/1/2001    from 1/1/2000
                                           to 30/6/2001     to 30/6/2000
                                           ('000)           ('000)
Turnover                                 : 2,644,971        2,150,903
Profit/(Loss) from Operations            : 126,802          129,327
Finance cost                             : (18,843)         (17,482)
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Associates     : 286              471
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities            : (666)            (539)
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI             : 52,063           78,392
% Change over Last Period                : -33.59%
EPS/(LPS)-Basic                          : RMB0.0645        RMB0.1070
         -Diluted                        : -                -
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)          : -                -
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items            : 52,063           78,392
Interim Dividend per H Share             : NIL              RMB0.02
(Specify if with other options)          : -                -
B/C Dates for Interim Dividend           : N/A              
Payable Date                             : N/A
B/C Dates for (-) General Meeting        : N/A
Other Distribution for Current Period    : N/A
B/C Dates for Other Distribution         : N/A


Profit from operations was previously reported as RMB111,845,000.  The 
change is due to change of format of current year form, which states the 
profit from operations as before finance cost; while in last period,  
Profit from operations was net of finance cost.