GUANGZHOU PHAR<0874> - Results Announcement
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Company Limited announced on 18/8/2000:
(stock code: 874)
Year end date: 31/12/2000
Currency: RMB (Unaudited)
(Unaudited) Last
Current Corresponding
Period Period
from 1/1/2000 from 1/1/1999
to 30/6/2000 to 30/6/1999
('000) ('000)
- Continuing : 2,150,903 1,890,770
- Discontinued : - -
Operating Profit/(Loss)
- Continuing : 111,845 92,392
- Discontinued : - -
Total Operating Profit/(Loss) : 111,845 92,392
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
Associated Companies : 471 356
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
Jointly Controlled Entities : (539) (252)
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI : 78,392 67,822
% Change over Last Period : +15.6%
EPS/(LPS)-Basic : RMB0.11 RMB0.09
-Diluted : N/A N/A
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss) : - -
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items : 78,392 67,822
Interim Dividend per H Share : RMB0.02 RMB0.02
(Specify if with other options) : - -
B/C Dates for Interim Dividend : 25/9/2000 to 4/10/2000 bdi.
Payable Date : on or before 16/10/2000
B/C Dates for (-) General Meeting : N/A
Other Distribution for Current Period : N/A
B/C Dates for Other Distribution : N/A
(1) The Company was established in the People's Republic of China (the
"PRC") on 1st September 1997 as a joint stock company with limited
liability as part of the reorganisation of a State-owned enterprise known
as Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited ("GZPHL"). Pursuant to the
reorganisation on 1st September 1997, the Company acquired the principal
business undertakings and certain assets and liabilities of GZPHL relating
to the development, manufacture and sale of Chinese patent medicine as
well as the trading and import and export of Western pharmaceutical
products, Chinese patent medicine, Chinese raw medicine and medical
apparatus by issuing 513,000,000 State-owned Shares of the Company with a
par value of RMB1.00 each to GZPHL.
(2) The consolidated accounts of the Group incorporate the accounts of the
Company and all of its subsidiaries made up to 30th June, 2000. All
material intragroup transactions and balances have been eliminated on
(3) The calculation of earnings per share is based on the Group's profit
attributable to shareholders of RMB78.39 million (1999: 67.82 million) and
the weighted average number of 732.90 million shares (1999: 732.90 million
shares) in issue during the six months ended 30th June, 2000 (30th June,
Diluted earnings per share is not presented as the Company does not have
any dilutive potential shares.